Wednesday, 28 August 2013

7 Ninja Like Low Budget Ways To Promote Affiliate Products

Everyday here on the Grind or in the Private Forums, we’re getting new Grinders from countries all over the globe. The most common thing among all starting Affiliate Marketers is of course?…? – Budget.
It’s just human instinct to want something for nothing. Or as I like to say – I really like working the least, for the most. 
Anyway, with real expectations, outside of Paid Advertising and Mobile Advertising which we talk about heavily here on IMGrind, Revived Media and iMobiTrax, there are a ton of ways to promote affiliate programs, products and services on a low budget.
Flashing back to 2007-2008 here, I’m going to name 10 off the name of my head, which I’ve done successfully at one time or another during my Internet Entrepreneur journey:
1. Free Samples And Trials – As, as we go into fall, we start facing a lot of holidays here in the US and probably in most countries around the world. Now, is the perfect time to promoting free samples and trials.
2. Seasonal Promotions – Pretty much what I said above but starting outlining and implement seasonal promotions such as coupons, free trials, weekly trials, discounts etc..Basically, right now it is the time to be Mr. Nice Guy. These are the types of Affiliate deals you can structure SEO, PR and Social Media campaigns around for pretty cheap.
3. Reviews – They have been and always be a staple in effective Web Marketing. It’s simple – people from all over the world are drawn to what others say about your product…more than they are of the product owner. Keep this in mind too as an affiliate! What a bite in the ass I know. But the sooner you realize and adapt your marketing and sales processes, the faster you can thank me. Create product reviews with product specifications, testimonials and case studies.
4. Inline Text Ads – A very under-talked but highly effective method for really cheap advertising in HTML Email Readers and Blogs. We talk more about this in the Private Forums.
5. Interviews – These days it pays to be social. Don’t go with anonymity. Why would you? Your competitors aren’t. Don’t be afraid to interview the product owners and/or creators. Get the owners of the product to provide you with useful content that answers to the common questions about the product.
6. Long Copy / Email Solo Ads – Oh heck yes. This is how I got started as an Emailer in CPA Advertising. Direct response emails can create some of the best sales and optin conversion rates. Send emails to your own lists ( you better be building them!), or you can also “arbitrage” and rent/purchase sole email ads.
7. Hashtags – If you’re not Hashtagging on Facebook, Twitter and Google+ – I don’t know what’s wrong with you. It’s pretty simple here – You hashtag keywords and people click on them automatically – across all devices. Think SEO on steriods. The only optimization you have to do is put a single # in front of your keyword. Since we started hashtagging in the last month alone here on IMGrind, we’ve increased our average uniques to 400+ a day.
There you have it. 7 Ninja like low budget ways to promote affiliate products going into fall. 

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